The 'Quality Improvement & Innovation' Special Interest Group
Welcome to the 'Quality Improvement & Innovation' Special Interest Group (SIG) of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR)
The ESPR, like other similar organisations, strives to improve Paediatric Research and outcomes. An important aspect of this vision and work is implementation of new practice based on evidence and latest research findings. This tends to be a weak link in our path to improving outcomes. QI and its implementation is a science in itself and needs due recognition and focus. A SIG specifically focussed on QI will help achieve the 2nd part of the mission of the ESPR i.e. 'Developing and applying research to improve newborn and child health'.
This SIG will bring together professionals with a special interest and expertise in Quality Improvement & Innovation, help run specific QI and Innovation focussed sessions during various conferences and also help in education and training of the Paediatrics and Neonatal community in QI. Specific QI sessions will be planned for various conferences that the ESPR is involved in.
In this regard, we welcome all members and delegates involved in improvement work and not just those involved in research. Improvement is everyone's business!
Our objectives
The overall aims of the Quality Improvement & Innovation SIG are:
- Bring together paediatric and neonatal professionals (doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, managers) with a special interest and expertise in Quality Improvement & Innovation to facilitate dissemination of good practice and continuous improvement in care and outcomes;
- Create an improvement and innovation ecosystem within the ESPR membership and work collaboratively with relevant sections and SIGs of the ESPR to facilitate continuous improvement and innovation;
- Provide training in QI to the paediatric and neonatal community to improve capability and capacity for improvement;
- Collaborate with parents, parent led organisations and relevant charities to co-create ideas and improvement programmes ensuring that parents and their children are at the heart of the improvements we envision and deliver.
Meet the founding chair
Minesh Khashu
M.B.B.S, MD, FRCPCH, FRSA, Q FellowConsultant Neonatologist & Prof of Perinatal HealthUniversity Hospitals Dorset
United Kingdom
Upcoming meetings of the SIG
These will be communicated in due course.
We hope to have an initial online meeting of members in June and then have a hybrid meeting (face to face and online) during the upcoming jENS congress in Belgrade, Serbia, in October 2025 (date & time tba).
How to engage with us
All members of the ESPR who are interested in QI & Innovation are welcome to join the group and share their expertise. Please contact the ESPR Secretariat via We will be happy to forward you request to SIG chair Prof Minesh Khashu.